Landowners at some point are going to deal with the prospect of leasing land for themselves, or leasing their land to others. A lease is a contract and a good contract will be well thought out and written in such a manner that both parties clearly understand and agree upon the terms. Contract disputes often arise when contracts are “ambiguous”, that is … [Read more...]
Why Use Liability Waivers?
Liability waivers are a good idea when inviting people to come on your property. Give them the waiver in advance of the activity; this gives them time to read and consider the waiver before signing it. This gives you a stronger legal standing with regards to the waiver. The most important part of reducing your liability is exercise prudence in your … [Read more...]
Top 6 Things to Consider when Buying a Business
Can you afford it? That seems like a simple one doesn’t it. Unfortunately, many purchasers get their hearts so set on buying a business that they fail to realistically consider the financial requirements. For instance, you may decide you can obtain the financing necessary to make the purchase and carry the note but what about the cash flow needs. The cost … [Read more...]
Why Do I Need to Make a Will?
Imagine this Scenario Claire recently died. When her brother Tom went through her belongings, he found her handwritten Will and various other bank statements and correspondence from her stockbroker. It turns out that Claire, who was always sort of a penny pincher, had an estate worth several hundred thousand dollars when she died. She never did like … [Read more...]
I’ll never forget the time I went fishing with….
"WITH" That's right, "WITH," as in together. "With" is the most important word in your entire outdoor vocabulary. Try to tell a few hunting or fishing stories without using it. Listen to anybody exaggerate the size of a fish that got away, a buck that magically escaped their deadly eye, or describe the misadventures of their illustrious hunting careers. … [Read more...]