Mike Massey

- Undergraduate degree in accounting from MSU, 1986
- Juris Doctorate degree, cum laude, from University of Mississippi, 1992
- Casenote Editor of the Mississippi Law Journal from 1991-1992
- Member of Phi Kappa Phi legal honorary society
Practice Areas
- Business and Corporate Law
- Real Property
- Business Transactions
- Contracts
- Outdoor Legal Issues
- Employment Matters
- Estate Planning and Probate
- Past Chair, Business Law Section of Mississippi Bar
- Board of Directors, Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum
- Board of Directors for Hugh O’Brian Youth Foundation (HOBY) for Mississippi
- Past-President, Hinds/Madison Kiwanis Club
- Natural Resource Enterprises Program Advisory Board
- American Bar Association
- Mississippi Bar Association
- Sections of Business, Real Property, Trust and Estates
- American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
When not lawyering, I hunt, fish AND write songs. My first song was released on October 20, 2020. The song is called “Labeled”, and it is about all the ridiculous ways people try to put us into nice, tidy boxes: rural/urban, blue collar/white collar, red state/blue state. We are all so much more complex and individualistic.
For details on legal services offered by the law firm of Massey & Vise, P.A. visit their website.